Heroic Journey Consulting
| Find the Courage to Take Your Next Step |

Work from Your Center

WORK From Your Center

As the pace of the workplace seems to be speeding up for many of us, our workdays can become very fragmented. We have competing demands on our time and energy. We get bogged down in minute details. We have endless meetings that interrupt our workflow and we are bombarded with more input than we sometimes feel we can handle. There may be times when we get so fragmented that we are overwhelmed, disorientated, disillusioned, or even demoralized.

Some of us feel great about our work, but our lives may still feel compartmentalized. One compartment contains our work life, another our home life, and another our social life. Even if each piece of our lives feels optimal, our overall life may feel like a mess.

Hand placing missing puzzle piece

Without an overall picture, we may lack the key piece that gives our lives a sense of integration, meaning, and purpose. It may be difficult to see how each fragment fits with the center of who we are. Without a core connection, a valuable part that work can play in our lives may be lost.

This lack of core connection may account today for the negativity about the workplace that so many people feel. Some people see work as a daily grind that must be endured to get a paycheck. Others think of their work as a boring stopover while they wait for something better to come along that will bring them fame, fortune, happiness, or blissful retirement. And still others look at it as a nightmare filled with difficult co-workers, bosses, and customers whose only purpose is to create problems or headaches for them. But, there is another way to experience our day-to-day work, which helps bring meaning, richness and fulfillment to our lives as a whole.

Live Your Heroic Workplace Story

Black and white cinema clapper board with notebook and pen

Reframing our work experiences in terms of a heroic story means we become active participants in our unfolding heroic script. No matter what happens in the workplace, we no longer see ourselves as victims of circumstance. We may not have control over all of the events or the people we encounter, but we do have control over the meaning we assign to our experiences.

Whether we consider our workplace experiences positive or negative, the workplace challenges us to find the heroism within to work from the center of ourselves in all that we do. By presenting us with a variety of moral, ethical, psychological, and interpersonal tests, our work experiences become our “heroic training ground” that test our heroic character on a daily basis. From a heroic perspective, we have the opportunity to gain valuable insight from every situation and person encountered. Having gone through this “trial by fire” builds our resilience, confidence and self-trust. It also helps us know from inside out that we have the heroic mettle to master future challenges at work and elsewhere in our life.

Let Your Workplace Consciousness Be Your Guide

Compass pointing north

Our heroic maturity is revealed by how we respond to our workplace challenges. Can we embody such traits as integrity, truthfulness, authenticity, patience, commitment to quality, and adherence to personal value, no matter what comes our direction? Do we treat others with fairness and dignity, nurture and encourage them to be their best, and give back to society more than we take?

The workplace can provide a rich environment for evolving our heroic character and consciousness. It also provides a dynamic structure for expressing our ultimate heroic calling, which is to find our unique talents and gifts so we can serve humanity as only we can do. When we are on a heroic path of wisdom and service, we can reach potentials that are not otherwise possible. This is what the heroic workplace journey is all about.

See related information:

We’re Here to Support You


While you have a unique heroic path to follow in life, you don’t have to face your personal challenges alone. We are here to help you master those challenges through Life Guidance Mentoring and Leadership Development Mentoring.

Let us know if we can further support you on your personal or professional journey!